3 Reasons To See A Physical Therapist

Physical therapy is a good way to deal with an injury and protect your body from further harm. Many people underutilize physical therapy because they don't know when they should go. There are many circumstances where you could benefit from seeing a physical therapist. Here are a couple reasons why you should see a physical therapist. 1. You Have Pain That Hasn't Gone Away After RICE The first thing you should do when you have an injury is RICE.

Torn Achilles Tendon: Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment

While on a run or playing a sport, did you hear a loud pop followed by severe pain in your ankle? If so, you may have ruptured your Achilles tendon. What is the Achilles tendon? You may have heard the phrase Achilles' heel before. In Greek and Roman mythology, Achilles was a nearly invincible man, with the exception of his one weak spot-- his heel. In modern times, the tendon located in that same place is known as the Achilles tendon.

Could You Be Depressed?

After a divorce or a bad break-up, it's normal to feel sad. Regardless of who initiated the split, making the switch from having a co-pilot to flying solo is a major life change, and can be difficult to process. There comes a point, however, when sadness can turn into something more serious-- major depression. So how do you know if it's time to seek help? You no longer enjoy your hobbies

What You Need To Know About Ultrasounds

Ultrasounds are pretty much a standard procedure for women who are expecting a child. Most doctors recommend that you get at least one ultrasound around your 18-22 week mark. This is where they will look at the baby's growth and development. This ultrasound will help to determine if the baby is healthy and if there are any concerns. Here are some things that you need to know about an ultrasound.

4 Advantages Of In-Home Senior Care For Patients With Dementia

If you have a family member suffering from dementia, you may be struggling with the decision of whether to get in-home care for them or to move them to a dedicated care facility. Many individuals with dementia require round-the-clock care, which can make in-home care seem prohibitively difficult. But there are many advantages to in-home care that may make it the more optimal choice. 1. You Have Direct Control Over Their Care