Worried About Invasive Cancer Treatment Impacting Your Lifestyle? What Are Your Options?

Being diagnosed with cancer can be a blow to the gut, whether you're still at Stage 1 or the disease has progressed to the further clinical stages. For those whose cancer is a slow-growing variety or still confined to a single area, invasive treatment like chemotherapy and radiation may sound like overkill. On the other hand, you're likely reluctant to forgo these cancer-killing treatments if you're worried about cancer cells spreading elsewhere in your body. What are your minimally invasive but equally effective options? Read on to learn more about nanoknife excisions and other surgical techniques that may eliminate the need for more invasive follow-up treatments.

What is nanoknife surgery?

In most types of early stage cancers, a tumor or mass of cancerous cells is confined to one part of the body -- whether a mole for melanoma, a colon polyp for colon cancer, or a mass on a woman's ovaries or uterus. Tumors or cancerous masses near the surface of the skin can often be easily excised using normal surgical procedures. However, tumors that are difficult to reach or are near vital arteries or nerves may present much more of a challenge for surgeons. This is often why treatments like radiation or chemotherapy are recommended to destroy the tumor from the inside out when it can't be easily removed surgically.

Nanoknife surgery presents an alternative by using electrical currents to destroy the tumor without damaging the surrounding skin and tissue. This surgery has proven successful for certain types of hard-to-reach tumors. During the procedure, hair-thin electrodes (even smaller than acupuncture needles) will be guided to the tumor site. They'll then shoot electrical beams into the tumor, causing the cancer cells to destroy themselves and the tumor to shrink. 

Is this type of surgery an effective treatment for cancer even without supplemental chemotherapy or radiation? 

It's always wise to get a second opinion whenever you're dealing with a potentially life-altering diagnosis like cancer. However, if your oncologist or treating physician has recommended nanoknife surgery as a first option, it can often be much quicker and easier than either a chemotherapy or radiation regimen, with many fewer side effects. Although you'll need to undergo general anesthesia for this procedure, it will wear off quickly without the fatigue, nausea, and photosensitivity common for those undergoing other types of cancer treatment. 

Scans and blood tests can help your oncologist monitor the cancer's progress and ensure that you remain cancer-free well after your initial nanoknife surgery. To learn more, contact a company like ATLAS ONCOLOGY. 
