Tips For Identifying Your Child's Eczema Triggers

Eczema is a condition that's most well known for the red, persistent rash that it creates on the skin. It affects people of all ages, but when it affects babies and young kids, it's often the result of an undetected allergy. If your child is experiencing symptoms of eczema, identifying the allergen is as important a part of the treatment as any topical ointment or dermatologist's care. Here are a few tips to help you determine what's causing your child's rash.

Allergy Testing

Your child's dermatologist may recommend that you visit an immunologist for allergy testing. This testing can help you narrow down the source of the problem quickly, but it can be uncomfortable for your child because it introduces small amounts of many potential allergens at once, after which you watch for a reaction. While the results can narrow it down after one appointment, it can take some time to get into an immunologist's office, so you may actually want to do some evaluations on your own.


Creating a journal is a great way for you to start seeing trends in your child's eczema outbreaks. Track everything that your child eats and comes into contact with every day, including detergents, hand soaps, lotions and any other environmental triggers. In addition, you'll want to log any symptoms of eczema as they occur. Over time, you'll be able to see trends of flare ups following specific types of exposures or meals, which will make it easier to narrow down the source of the problem.

Avoiding Irritants

When it comes to minimizing eczema rashes, there are other things to consider. Irritating perfumes, detergents and fabrics can actually worsen an eczema outbreak. Avoid these types of things and use unscented sensitive skin detergents, soft cotton clothing and similar things instead. This helps to eliminate the physical irritants that can intensify symptoms.

It's also important to minimize the exposure to any airborne allergens. Invest in a whole-house air purification system so that you can eliminate pollens, dust and other irritants from the air. Add dust covers to all of the mattresses and pillows in the house so that you minimize any dust mite exposure, too.

The more proactive you can be about narrowing the source of the problem and minimizing exposure, the easier it will be to eliminate or at least minimize the outbreaks that your child experiences. Visit a site like if you're concerned about your child's eczema rashes.
