3 Proven Anti-Aging Skincare Products You Can Find At Your Local Drugstore

If you have finally decided that it is time to start taking proper care of your skin to help it stay young-looking longer, then you may think that a trip to the dermatologist is in order. The truth is that most anti-aging skincare products are available right at your local drug store and don't require a prescription or an office visit. Start using these three products today to preserve your youthful skin. 

1. Sunscreen

Over 90 percent of the causes of lines and wrinkles that develop on a person's skin are the result of sun exposure. That makes sunscreen the most important product to have in your anti-aging arsenal. The extra hydration it provides can also help it look more supple as well. 

Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 to 50, and don't worry about choosing a higher SPF, as it will not offer that much more protection. You can also find sunscreens with added antioxidants, such as green tea extract, that can further protect your skin from free radical damage caused by the sun and other environmental irritants. 

2. Vitamin C Serum 

Vitamin C serum is a natural, healthy part of an anti-aging skincare routine, and it has been proven to stimulate collagen production in skin, which is what keeps your skin firm and plump. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, like green tea, so it is a great all-around anti-aging product. 

Look for a serum containing 15 to 20 percent l-ascorbic acid, as this is the strength studies have shown produces the most skin benefits with the least amount of irritation. You only need to use it once-a-day for great results. 

3. Retinol Night Cream

Retinol is chemically related to the prescription anti-aging cream, tretinoin, but it is more gentle on your skin. Once you apply retinol to your face, it slowly converts to retinoic acid, which makes it kind of like a time-released tretinoin. 

Retinol and tretinoin have been shown in studies to stimulate facial collagen production and diminish wrinkles. You should look for a cream that contains .1 percent retinol and apply it only in the evening. You should never put a retinol cream on in the morning, because not only does the ingredient degrade in sunlight, but it also makes your skin more sensitive to the sun. 

In fact, using it only at night can still make your skin a bit more photo-sensitive during the day, so it is even more important to wear sunscreen in the daytime when you are using retinol regularly at night. 

If you don't want to spend money on pricey prescription anti-aging creams and visit the doctor more than you have to, then don't worry, because you can find great anti-aging products right at the drug store that work just as well. Pick up these three products and start using them daily to see results quickly. 

For more information on anti-aging products, contact a professional like Pharmacy Solutions.
