If your child has autism, you may want to consider giving them extra supplements or vitamins. Wondering if your child needs these additions to his or her diet? Most kids can benefit from a supplement, but here are five signs your child, in particular, may be helped:
1. Your Child Refuses to Eat Vegetables
Many children with autism struggle with sensitivity to various textures. They may find cooked vegetables, in particular, to be too slimy and overly distasteful, and for some kids, this distaste even extends to ripe, juicy peaches or other fruits that you may assume that all kids love.
You can try to see if the crunchiness of raw veggies appeals to these kids, but to ensure they're getting all of their necessary vitamins, you may want to give them an extra supplement as a proactive measure.
2. Your Child Suffers From Constipation
Unfortunately, many children with autism also suffer from gastrointestinal issues, and that may include constipation. If your child has constipation, you may want to offer a supplement for autism that contains an extra dose of fiber.
Note that children who complain of pain while defecating may actually have constipation, and again, fiber can help. Additionally, if your child resists going to the bathroom and then eventually poops in his or her pants, that can sometimes be a sign of constipation as well.
3. Your Child Isn't Getting Enough Sunlight
When children spend time outside, they get necessary dosages of vitamin D from the sun. This can be especially important for children with autism as new research shows that vitamin D can help reduce some of the effects of autism.
If you want your child to have the benefits of vitamin D, you may want to try an autism supplement that contains that vitamin. This can be especially helpful during the winter when the nights are short or in cases where your lifestyle makes it hard to get outside on a regular basis.
4. Your Child Has Trouble Falling Asleep
If your child has trouble falling asleep, you may want to opt for a supplement with melatonin in it. This is a natural hormone based on the hormone your body secretes when it's tired. It can help to make bedtime easier.
5. You Want Your Child to Be Healthier in General
Finally, whether your child has autism or not, you may just want them to be healthier in general. Again, vitamins or supplements for people with autism can help in this regard. Your doctor can let you know which vitamins or minerals your child's diet may be lacking. Then, you can choose your supplements based on that information.
Contact a company like Spectrum Awakening for more information and assistance.